Radar subsystems for OEMs and for upgrades
Intersoft Electronics provides state-of-the-art technology for radar system integration, upgrades and service life extensions. The modularly designed processor, receiver, transmitter and antenna subsystems provide a technology platform that allows for a flexible approach to civil and military radar projects, ranging from Airport Surveillance Radar to multibeam long range air defense systems.
The innovative Next Generation System Platform (NGSP®) is the core for both, brand new OEM radar systems and service life extensions of legacy systems. NGSP® provides a new take on radar design, adapted to the new challenges for air traffic control and the fast paced technological advance. It’s a concept for radar manufacturers as well as for ANSPs.
Modular Systems for ASR manufacturers and integrators
Technology upgrades for civil and military radar systems
Enter a new era of radar antenna technology
Radar subsystems for ship-board platforms
Advanced Processing technologies
Modern airport surveillance radar (ASR) must incorporate innovative algorithms to address the challenges of the changing airspace environment. Air traffic density increases, low radar cross section (RCS) targets fill the skies, windfarms create false detections and 4G/5G frequencies interfere with radar. Rest the more common issues of clutter suppression and weather phenomena like anomalous propagation. New technologies offer solutions and create other opportunities. Extracting accurate height information is such a novel feature of modern ASRs.
Intersoft Electronics’ Next Generation Signal Processor (NGSP®) incorporates patented algorithms that address those challenges. The overall NGSP® technology advances way beyond legacy PSR performance.
Read in this Advanced Processing Technologies Whitepaper how the key algorithms work.

Intersoft Electronics News

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PRESS RELEASE – Intersoft Electronics acquires IBS Luftfahrt und Service GmbH
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Intersoft Electronics at Airspace World 2024
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