On your radar

Intersoft Electronics is a leading technology provider in the air surveillance industry.

  • Our modular radar subsystems offer flexible solutions for emerging challenges in the changing air space environment.
  • Intersoft Services provides specialized high quality tools and expertise to help you with your radar quality testing, certification and your radar maintenance tasks.
  • Our vertically integrated manufacturing capabilities comply to the most demanding aerospace industry requirements.

Design and development of modular radar subsystems

For manufacturers, integrators, ANSPs and military users


Global services organization with local representations to support CNS installation, testing, certification and calibration

For ANSPs, military users, MROs and manufacturers


Manufacturing of RF electronics according to aerospace industry standards

For aerospace and telecom electronics providers

News & Events

RASS 8.0 Toolbox

RASS 8.0 release

Intersoft Electronics proudly announces the release of RASS 8.0. This major update of the respected Radar Analysis Support Systems software is an important step towards a unified solution that will…

Read MoreRASS 8.0 release

Airspace trafFic control

Modern Challenges and Technical Solutions

This IE Academy article explains the basics of PSR, SSR and ADS-B as the main sensors used for Air Traffic Control. It touches upon their limitations and emerging challenges of the changing environment in which they operate. New trends and proven technical solutions are introduced.

Author | Ioannis Kassotakis, Intersoft Electronics NV, Senior Engineer, Research Dept.

What makes Intersoft Electronics your best choice?

+40 years of experience

trusted by industry leaders

ATSEP certified